这款10.3“E Ink电子墨水平板现在官网预售阶段,详情请查看其官网:
官网视频宣传片,看过之后你一定想拥有一部,办公 & 阅读 & 记笔记 & 装13,都可以让你轻松应对。
Norwegian公司表示,这款reMarkable内置了3000mAh容量的电池,可以连续使用几天不充电,同时还内置了8GB的存储空间用来保存文件。其它配置方面,reMarkable配备了512MB的DDR3L RAM以及1GHz的ARM A9处理器,能够确保reMarkable拥有最及时的响应速度。
多年来,现代用户已经在数字和模拟二分法之间撕裂,现在一款名为reMarkable的平板电脑已经上市,简而言之,它是一个电子墨水阅读器,你可以在上面进行书写,弥补支持手写笔的平板电脑,例如微软Surface Pro或苹果 iPad Pro无法获得持久和永远可用的纸张感觉的缺憾。
另一方面,reMarkable也可以让之前采用Wacom Bamboo Slate这样产品的用户真正抛弃纸张,因为reMarkable采用的电子纸或电子墨水最接近纸张,同时在阅读的时候,功耗非常低,但刷新率也很低,为了弥补,reMarkable采用的是一种新型的专有电子墨水显示屏,简称为“CANVAS”。
Simply called "reMarkable," the device aims to combine the flexibility of a paper notepad with the electronic convenience of a tablet. Whilecompanies like Sony have attempted to create similar pieces of tech, the slow refresh rates of e-paper displays has rendered them frustrating at best. This is a problem reMarkable claims to remedy thanks to what it calls a "Canvas" display. This 10.3-inch Kindle-esque screen not only looks like paper, but also delivers a very low latency of 55ms, meaning that you can write or draw on it with the included pen without noticeable delay.
Spec-wise, the reMarkable features 8GB of onboard storage, is powered by a 1GHz ARM A9 CPU and runs Codex -- a custom Linux OS optimized for e-paper. Weighing in at 350 grams, it's considerably heavier than your traditional paper notepad, but not much more than an iPad mini. Featuring no glass parts and battery life of around a couple of days, reMarkable seems to have struck a decent balance between portability and endurance.
Still, it's fair to say that this paper-tablet does considerably more than your traditional pad and pen. In addition to providing a realistic pen-on-paper response, the reMarkable will also instantly sync your notes or doodles to the company's cloud service, making them easy to share across all your devices.
As well as sharing created files, you'll also be able to import documents, textbooks and the like onto the tablet, allowing you to add notes or sketches painlessly to existing files. While only PDF and ePub files are currently supported, reMarkable states that more compatible formats will be announced at a later date. The final big feature is one reMarkable hopes will make the tablet an indispensable school or office tool. It allows users to take notes on one device while they appear in real time on a second device.
The reMarkable certainly sounds good on paper... or should we say tablet? Yet this technology comes at a cost, with pre-orders starting now at a discounted price of $379. Purchasing now guarantees buyers the limited first edition, which includes the pen, the folio case and, shipping. The regular cost after pre-order is almost doubled: $529 for reMarkable, $79 for the pen and $79 for the folio case.
While an impressive piece of tech, the hefty price tag may prove too steep an entry-point for what is essentially a single-use device. We'll find out whether the market agrees when the reMarkable ships in summer 2017.
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