Plastic Logic announced a partnership with RoadAds interactive to develop mobile vehicle displays based on PL's flexible oTFT-based E Ink technology. RoadAds will use 32-inch displays as "digital billboards" on vans, trucks and buses for advertising and information.
RoadAds customers can manage campaigns online, define advertising areas and conditions such as weather or time and get detailed statistics. The campaigns are transferred automatically via 4G and are delivered in real time. The displays are based on 32-inch panels and larger displays can be realized by combining several displays together. RoadAds says that larger display sizes using larger panels (up to 64-inch) are planned for the future.
Plastic Logic颁布发表与RoadAds interactive合做,开发基于PL灵敏的基于otft的E Ink手艺的挪动车辆显示器。道路告白将在货车、卡车和巴士上利用32英寸的显示屏做为“数字告白牌”,用于告白和信息。
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